Friday 7 November 2014

An Enigma yet to be Explored

...Continued fromAn Aid to Uplift Her Spirits

No span of time, days, months or years is ample enough to acknowledge a person’s disposition. Sometimes we get what we want to see and hear what we want to listen. For her, he was an enigma yet to be explored while she, like an open book had made herself vulnerable to her reader. He read every page, every chapter of the book with much enthusiasm and just when he thought the end was near, a new chapter was added. The damage was done!

    The more she tried to understand him and his ways of dealing with things, the more she started understanding herself. She was all inquisitive and curious to perceive more about this person and she wouldn’t rest until she finds the answers to this riddle. He asks, “Why? Why do you want to know me? You cannot find the pieces of a wrecked ship in such a wide ocean. You build a new one. This is the new me!”  And she tries to convince him with a lie, “I don’t know, maybe because I consider you a friend and I could probably help you”, while deep inside she knew the answer. She has always been fascinated by mysteries.

     His deep and vehement eyes could hide any secret effortlessly and the more she tried to look into them, the more she found herself trapped inside them. Just like a restless kid who loses his way out while exploring a maze, even she had lost her way into those big and dark eyes and finding her way back was not easy. Even though he had a ridiculously strange laughter, his smile could easily compensate for all his foolish and moronic acts. Mesmerized by such a naïve smile, she always looked for reasons to make him smile. Reasons for which she sometimes had to abstain from her ‘self’ because, his smile was her euphoria.

For him, she was just another pretty girl damaged by her insecurities. He had seen plenty of them and an encounter with one more would do no harm.

To be continued...

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